Ford opened orders for the revived Bronco SUV right after the official premiere just two weeks ago – and demand exceeded expectations. The number of orders has already reached 230 thousand, and, as the company said, the queue stretched out until 2022. That is, SUVs will appear on the free market in at least 18 months.
Ford’s official website had a hard time coping with the large number of applications for the new Bronco: cars from the first batch of First Edition, prices for which start at $ 59,000 (for a five-door modification, you will have to pay at least $ 63,500 at all), were dismantled in a matter of hours, and the circulation of the special version had to be doubled. However, the direct competitor of Bronco, the Jeep Wrangler SUV, in 2019 found more than 235 thousand buyers in the US and European markets.
By the way, the Bronco Sport crossover, presented simultaneously with the older model, cannot yet boast a rush of demand. The deliveries of cars to the first customers will begin in the fall (six months earlier than the frame Bronco), although the circulation of the expensive top version of the First Edition, like that of an SUV, was sold out in just a few hours.